Sunday, February 04, 2007

GridView examples for ASP.NET 2.0: Drilling down into detailed data

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GridView Examples for ASP.NET 2.0: Drilling Down into Detailed Data

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In the Filtering the Data Shown in a GridView
section we saw how to allow the user to display a list of products in a
DropDownList and, for the selected product, list the product's order
details in a GridView. That demo worked well for viewing order
details for a specific product, but imagine if you wanted to put more
of an emphasis on displaying product information, with viewing the
order details for the products being a secondary concern. In such a
situation you might want to show a GridView of the products with a way to "select" a particular GridView row. Doing so would then display the order details for the selected product in another GridView....

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