Saturday, March 31, 2007

Finish the Post section: remove the unwanted item like the yekwords and clippings

Finish the Post section: remove the unwanted item like the yekwords and clippings.
Implement the cookies by the HttpCookie class and retrive cookie by Request.Cookies method

The final progress log has been submitted and now writing the final report and fine turn the functions that could help improve the system.

references: Teaching how to write cookie by ASP.NET

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Several Screen shot on my system

Add link via the bookmarklet
Add bookmarklet by dragging
Successful insert into PostLink
Newly added Archive with comments
Retrieve password by email
Edit/Delete the archives
Front page of PostLink
View buddy's archives and tags
Tag retrieve based on Tag bag structure
Compare the result with Tag association mining and ordinary content based searching
Tag searching and ordinary content-based searching

Friday, March 30, 2007

PostLink on my phone

Well, after completing the RSS implementation on my system late last night, I through I can read it on Google Reader, on the Yahoo!Widget, ordinary RSS reader etc but what's more?

When I was having my lunch, I want to phone someone. Suddenly I surpised: why can't I submit the RSS in my phone? So, after collecting my lunch in canteen, I keyed my RSS feed into my phone. I was touching when it connected and finished updating! Here are the screen shot from my DC.

Once again, thanks Manfred and Jacky as well who teach me about email sending in ASP.NET in just 30 minutes!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Finish Delete, Edit and RSS feed functions

After finishing the mid-term in Computer Graphics, resume the programming on my FYP.
The edit items function have been finished. by resolving the IsPostBack problem, the TextBox.Text can return the user's modified text/value back to the server for modification and/or update the bookmark.
On the other hand, the delete function has been implemented and user now can delete his own bookmark without affecting other's share on the same bookmark.
May I like to take the opportunities to thanks my friend, Manfred who helps me to overcome the problem on implementing and debug on the RSS.NET enhancement on my project. With the RSS support, user can submit the RSS 2.0 standard feeds and read the contents with their RSS feed reader. Once and again, thank you Manfred!

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ajax.NET - A free library for the Microsoft .NET Framework

Send feedback form with Unicode chars


public string Test1(string firstName, string familyName, string email, string comment)


string html = "";

html += "Hello " + firstName + " " + familyName + " /> html += "Thank you for your comment /> html += System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(comment);

html += " />

return html;


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Friday, March 23, 2007

Count linkid

SELECT uli.title,, uli.tags, LEFT (uli.dateAdded, 20) AS dateAdded, uli.topic, uli.rating, uli.visitedRate, uli.comment, uli.linkid AS linkID, (select count(uliCount.linkid) from userlinkinfo as uliCount where uliCount.linkid = uli.linkid group by uliCount.linkid) as counter FROM userLinkInfo AS uli, linkinfo as li WHERE (uli.userid =@userid) and uli.linkid = li.linkid ORDER BY uli.dateAdded DESC

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First reader, second reader and 1st, 2nd accessor in my FYP

Date and time manipulation in SQL

Date and time manipulation in SQL server 2000

---------------- Selecting only the date part from a datetime column --------------

/* Creating a Test Table */

Create Table MyDateTest99





/* Inserting the test value into the table */

insert into MyDateTest99 values (getdate())


/* Selecting the result */

select convert(varchar,DateColumn,108) from MyDateTest99


/* Performing Cleanup */

drop table MyDateTest99


Style ID

Style Type

0 or 100 mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM)
101 mm/dd/yy
103 dd/mm/yy
105 dd-mm-yy
106 dd mon yy
107 Mon dd, yy
108 hh:mm:ss
9 or 109 mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM)
110 mm-dd-yy
111 yy/mm/dd
112 yymmdd
13 or 113 dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
114 hh:mi:ss:mmm(24h)
20 or 120 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)
21 or 121 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)
126 yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss.mmm(no spaces)
130 dd mon yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM
131 dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM

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Thursday, March 22, 2007


Writing Report

After finishing the implementation on the tag association and discussed with David Lee, I think it's time to write the Final Report right now or otherwise I cannot submit to Dr Yuen for advising or seek for improvement. Here is the reply got from him today morning.

Dear Victor,

Thanks for your hardwork[really encouraging!], I have amended some wordings of your TOC
and marked each section with a suggested weight (importance), you may
treat them as a reference during writing. The revised version is
attached for your reference. Overall, the TOC is comprehensive and
well organized.

Best Regards,

Joe Yuen

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Creating a Pageable, Sortable DataGrid

Summary: Learn how to build a sortable DataGrid and a pageable
DataGrid; learn the steps necessary to combine these two techniques
into creating a single sortable, pageable DataGrid. The DataGrid Web
control allows ASP.NET developers the ability to quickly and easily
display data. In addition to being able to simply display data, the
DataGrid also allows for sorting, paging, and editing of its data.
While adding sorting or paging support to the DataGrid is relatively
straightforward, creating both a pageable and sortable DataGrid is a bit more challenging. (18 printed pages)

Creating a Pageable, Sortable DataGrid

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How to preform paging with the Datagrid Windows controled by using VB.NET

How to preform paging with the Datagrid Windows controled by using VB.NET



The DataGrid Web control has built-in Automatic or Custom Paging
functionalities; however, the DataGrid Windows control lacks these features. This article demonstrates
how to build a simple paging mechanism for the DataGrid Windows control.

The code samples in this article make
use of DataSet objects. In ADO.NET, DataSet objects are filled in a single operation and reside in memory all
of the time. If you are working with a large DataSet, this article describes how to display the data in chunks or
pages programmatically.

This technique has some limitations. Please
see the Troubleshooting section for
more information.

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Textbox highlight all using onclick and

Thanks to Carlos's Teaching.

How to select all and highlight the pre-typed text in the TextBox for better user experiences?

By using the code in Code Behind:


Design view:

ID="tbSearch" Text="Input keywords..." runat="server" ForeColor="DimGray" / />

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Finish the Apriori Algorithm implementation, the major part of my FYP and course in Data Mining

Extremely Happy!
Thanks to Sandy who teach me the way to use the debugger, which is very important on debugging my complex codes
Here are the screen shots made by me and one from the, a Yahoo! company:

Need to improve the usability and expect to be finished by this Friday.

Finish the Apriori Algorithm implementation

After the previous failure on implmentating the FP-Tree algorithm, I have switched to implment the Apriori Algorithm to archive the same purpose on search related tag during searching.

The screen captured as LHS:

Really a hard time and fill extremely high when finishing the implementation. I would like to say thankyou to my classmates, Ms Sandy Tsui who teach on using the debugger in VS.NET 2005.

Friday, March 02, 2007

One speedy way to translate the C++ code into C#

Why not compile your C++ as Managed C++ and then use a decompiler (like reflector to show the code as c#, then cut+paste.

I used this technique for quite a while when I was learning c# and it gave a good insight into the differences between .NET languages.
